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So InnoNation is on a mission to transform trash into functional, high quality, and versatile products to protect our planet with the 3R principle!

Plastic wastes are out in the world now, and all sorts of environmental hazards they would pose. Animals can ingest the plastic and introduce heavy metals into the food chain.​ 


The amount of plastic trash that flows into the oceans every year is expected to nearly triple by 2040 to 29 million metric tons. Assuming things remain the same, the study estimates that accumulation will become 600 million metric tons by 2040. Globally, more than a million plastic bottle are sold every single minute. Plastic bottles ranked top 3 of the most collected plastic trash items in beach cleanups in more than 100 countries. Most importantly, it takes at least 500 years for a plastic bottle to completely degrade. However, the recycle rates remain low. In 2016, fewer than half the bottles bought worldwide were collected. In the U.S., only 30% of PET bottles are recycled, and new PET bottles contain only 7 percent recycled content.

In order to save our planet, So InnoNation is using plastic waste to transform them into high quality design products, helping to reduce waste and reuse what we have to save the earth. LET US STRIVE TOGETHER TO SAVE OUR PLANET!


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